Web Media for House Reforming

Seller Information

Business Web Media for House Reforming
Top line JPY 200 million
Reason for sale Business Selection and Concentration

Buyer Information

Business IT Company
Top line JPY 7 billion
Purpose of acquisition Synergies
Scheme Business Transfer

The target company was an IT company (website construction and web media operation) in Japan.
Although the company had been dispatching house reforming information, there was no good progress to monetize that despatching information as compared with the number of PVs.
Such being the case, the company decided to sell the web media business.

Through searching efforts, another IT company in Japan, operating a lot of web media, expressed its intention to purchase the business.
The purchased price offered by the IT company was based on the future profit plan.

The selected M&A method was a “web media business transfer including employees of that business”.

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